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Hosted Checkout Flow

The hosted checkout page is a simple, easy-to-use page that allows you to collect payment information from your customers.

Hosted checkout page


To quick start with the hosted checkout flow, you can use our pricing table element.

Create Pricing Table

To use the pricing table with the hosted checkout flow, you need to set useHostedCheckout to true. Additionally, you need to create a debtor in your application, and pass the debtor ID to the pricing table.


To create a debtor, you can use the Debtor API.

When the user selects a plan, and clicks on the Subscribe button, the user will be redirected to the hosted checkout page.

<body style="height: 100%;">
<main style="background-color: ghostwhite; height: 100%;">
<div style="margin: auto auto;">
<div id="pricing-table">
<!-- The pricing table will be inserted here -->

<script src="https://js.fynn.eu/v1/fynn.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
const debtor_id = 'xxxxxxx'; // Replace with your debtor ID

const Fynn = FynnJS()


const pricingTableElements = Fynn.elements.pricingTables({
brandColor: 'c7f639'

const element = pricingTableElements.create('plan_group_xxxxx', {
useHostedCheckout: true,
debtorId: debtor_id // mandatory if you want to use the hosted checkout flow
returnUrl: 'https://example.com/return' // the page to redirect the user to your page after the checkout


Return URL

When the user completes the checkout, they will be redirected to the returnUrl you provided.

Following parameters will be added to the returnUrl:

  • plan_id: The ID of the plan the user subscribed to
  • subscription_id: The ID of the subscription
  • debtor_id: The ID of the debtor
  • cart_id: The ID of the cart
  • status: The status of the order. Can be active, canceled or failed


When the user completes the checkout, we will send a webhook to the webhook URL you provided.

For more information about webhooks, please refer to the Webhooks documentation.