To create a subscription, you need to have a product that is:
- configured
- has a valid price
- is activated
- has assigned components
The product, components and variants can be created in the administration. See Products Pricing for more information.
Create a debitor
To create a subscription, you need to have a debitor.
See Debitors for more information.
Create a subscription
Subscription can be created in multiple ways.
The most simple way is to create a subscription from a cart.
This is done by calling the createProductCart
method of the CartProductService
use Fynn\Sdk\V1\Checkout\CartProductService;
$cartProductService = new CartProductService($client);
$request = new CreateProductCartRequest(
$debitorId, // The ID of the debitor which subscribes to the product
$productId, // The ID of the product that should be subscribed to - the product must be activated
$trialPeriod // The trial period formatted like "14D" (14 days), "1M" (1 month) or "1Y" (1 year)
$component = new CreateProductCartComponentRequest(
$componentId, // The ID of the component that should be subscribed to
$variantId, // The ID of the variant that should be subscribed to
$quantity // The quantity of the component that should be subscribed to
$createCartResponse = $cartProductService->createProductCart($request);
Trial period
The trial period will be applied to the whole cart. The payment will be first executed after the trial period is over.
Generate a checkout URL
The checkout URL can be generated by calling the generateCartLink
method of the CartProductService
For more information about the checkout process, see Checkout.
Pause a subscription
A subscription can be paused by calling the pauseSubscription
method of the SubscriptionService
use Fynn\Sdk\V1\Subscription\SubscriptionService;
$subscriptionService = new SubscriptionService($client);
During the pause, the subscription will not be billed. The subscription will be billed again when the subscription is resumed.
Resume a subscription
A subscription can be resumed by calling the resumeSubscription
method of the SubscriptionService
use Fynn\Sdk\V1\Subscription\SubscriptionService;
$subscriptionService = new SubscriptionService($client);
Cancel a subscription
A subscription can be canceled by calling the cancelSubscription
method of the SubscriptionService
If the subscription is in trial-phase you cannot cancel the subscription. You need to call the cancelTrial
use Fynn\Sdk\V1\Subscription\SubscriptionService;
use Fynn\Sdk\V1\Subscription\Request\CancelSubscriptionRequest
$subscriptionService = new SubscriptionService($client);
$subscriptionCancelRequest = new CancelSubscriptionRequest(new DateTime());
$subscriptionService->cancelSubscription($subscriptionId, $subscriptionCancelRequest);
The subscription will be canceled immediately, if no cancellation date is specified. Nevertheless, the subscription will be billed until the end of the billing period and until the earliest cancellation date.
Change subscription component quantity
The quantity of a subscription component can be changed by calling the changeSubscriptionComponentQuantity
method of the SubscriptionService
use Fynn\Sdk\V1\Subscription\SubscriptionService;
$subscriptionService = new SubscriptionService($client);
$request = new \Fynn\Sdk\V1\Subscription\Request\ChangeSubscriptionComponentQuantityRequest(
new DateTime('2021-01-01 15:00:00'), // The date from which the quantity should be changed, if not specified, the current date-time will be used
$subscriptionService->changeSubscriptionComponentQuantity($subscriptionComponentId, $request);
The quantity of the subscription component will be changed immediately, if no date is specified.
The price of the subscription component will be prorated from last billing until the specified change date for the old quantity. The price of the subscription component will be prorated from the specified change date until the next billing for the new quantity.
Get subscription products
The products of a subscription can be retrieved by calling the getSubscriptionProducts
method of the SubscriptionService
use Fynn\Sdk\V1\Subscription\SubscriptionService;
$subscriptionService = new SubscriptionService($client);
$subscriptionProducts = $subscriptionService->getSubscriptionProducts($subscriptionId);
The subscription products will be returned as an array of SubscriptionProductResponse
Create a trial
A trial can be created by calling the activateSubscription
method of the SubscriptionService
class. Provide there a trial period.
The period is specified in the following format: 1M
(1 month), 1Y
(1 year), 1W
(1 week), 1D
(1 day), 1H
(1 hour), 1M
(1 minute), 1S
(1 second).
(It is not a DateInterval compatible string!).
use Fynn\Sdk\V1\Subscription\SubscriptionService;
$subscriptionService = new SubscriptionService($client);
$subscriptionService->activateSubscription($subscriptionId, $trialPeriod);
Cancel a trial
A trial can be canceled by calling the cancelTrial
method of the SubscriptionService
The trial will be canceled immediately, no invoice will be created.
use Fynn\Sdk\V1\Subscription\SubscriptionService;
$subscriptionService = new SubscriptionService($client);
Extend a trial
A trial can be extended by calling the extendTrial
method of the SubscriptionService
use Fynn\Sdk\V1\Subscription\SubscriptionService;
$subscriptionService = new SubscriptionService($client);
$subscriptionService->extendTrial($subscriptionId, $trialPeriod);
A trial can only be extended if the subscription is in trial.